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Southface Institution 

Motto and Goal

The Southface Institute has been aiming to create healthier communities through sustainability for 40 years. They began as an all volunteer organization interested in solar technologies. Now, their motto is to, "promote sustainable homes, workplaces and communities through education, research, advocacy and technical assistance."


How They Do It

Southface uses a variety of techniques and approaches to achieving their goal. They have split their company into six separate teams to tackle different sustainability problems in Atlanta.


Policy: Southface's policy team advocates for state and local policies that will support and align with their sustainability goals.


Research: The research sector is a team of trained designers and researchers who utilize collected data to foster new and innovative designs for sustainability.


Systems Technology: Takes advantage of current day tech such as solar energy micro-grids to ensure that building themselves are self sustaining.


Regenerative Places/Spaces: Focuses on low income areas to ensure they have access to energy efficient homes, workplaces, and communities.


Education and Training: This team determines curriculum needed to support and educate a new generation of workers in a regenerative economy.


Organizational Sustainability: This team works with nonprofit, government, and corporate clients to gather data on their sustainability in order to improve their transparency in their business. 



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